It was so good to see the students; including our week off and the week my son subbed for me, it's been 3 weeks since I've seen their smiling faces. 

We began the class with a short Quick Write for which I asked the class to write down as many strategies for the ACT test that they could think if. We wrote them on the board and discussed those that applied to the overall test and those that were specific to the English, Math, and Writing tests.
For the ACT Prep section of the class, we are still in the Math section of the test. I give this section more time so that students can figure out what they need to review before taking the test. I also feel that having more time to practice the strategies helps be more prepared for those Math topics about which they are not as knowledgeable. This week we started with Word Problems, Percentages, and Ratios. I moved ahed to some material for next week, which included Coordinate Geometry. Next week we will cover more coordinate geometry and then be done with the Math section.
For the College Writing section of the test, the students have the second Practice ACT Essay Exam. Next week we will start discussing the college application essay. My hope is that doing a practice application essay in this class will either give the students something they can use in a college application or give the students a springboard for an even better essay.
Have a great weekend! Enjoy our spring weather!
Mrs. Prichard
Assignments for Next Week:
Read through Chapter 13
Be an active reader and highlight important tips and/or information
Flag or write questions about topics that need further review
Word Problems Drill on p. 187 (Answers in Ch. 25 on p. 390)
Read the Summary on 188
Links for this Week
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard
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