Saturday, January 29, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 3 (January 27)


We had a full class this week.   We started the class with some Words of the Day.  I have a list of the top 50 SAT words.  While the ACT does not have a dedicated section for vocabulary, the sections use words commonly found in first-year college level writing.  As we discuss the individual words, I usually pull out Latin or Greek words and discuss related words in an effort to not only expand our vocabulary but also to  build word-decoding skills.

The next portion of the class was spent talking about the basics of writing an essay.  Both the SAT and ACT have an essay portion for which student will show that they know how to write a standard essay.  We covered the types of paragraphs required (introduction, body, and conclusion), the elements of the introduction (hook, thesis, road map/plan of development), and body paragraphs.  This was a brief introduction to the ACT essay, into which we will dive more fully in the coming weeks.  One of the homework assignments includes reading the chapter on the essay test.

This week we worked through Chapters 7 & 8, which are primarily reviews of common grammar topics found in the ACT and examples of some of the rhetorical questions that they will encounter in the English section of the test.  These topics included verbs, passive voice, pronouns, possessive, and contractions.  We used the 5-Step Basic Approach as we worked through the sample problems in the book:
  • 5-Step Basic Approach
    • Step 1:  Identify the Topic (see p. 35)

    • Step 2:  Use POE

    • Step 3:  Use the context

    • Step 4: Trust your ear, but verify

    • Step 5: Don't fix what isn't broken.

Another important set of guidelines to remember when taking the English Test are the 4 Cs:  Complete, consistent, clear, and concise.

The biggest assignment this week is to take the ACT Practice English Test.  At the end of the book are 4 - 6 practice tests (depending on the version of the book you purchased.)  For the practice tests assigned in class, students should use the first exam.  Students need to set aside 45 minutes to take this test and should try to mimic a test-taking environment as closely as they can:  sitting upright at a table/desk, brightly lit room, minimal sound and visual distractions, etc.  In addition to taking the practice test, they must correct it using the key at the end of the test.  This is an important step -- learning what you did wrong and why is more important than doing it the right way!  I'm assigning it this week, but it doesn't need to be handed in for 2 weeks.   

Assignments for Next Week:
  • Read through Chapters 7 & 8  (Be an active reader!)

    • Especially read the practice/example questions & explanations

    • Review the Summary at the ends of each chapter

  • English Drill 2 on p. 70 - 71.  (Answers in Ch. 25, p. 385)

  • Rhetorical Skills Drill on p. 84 - 85 (Answers in Ch. 25, p. 387 - 388)

  • Review the following topics as needed:  

    • Verbs, indefinite pronouns, prepositional phrases, apostrophes, transitions, etc.

  • Bring to class questions about troublesome sections or topics

  • Practice English Test (45 minutes) p. 416 – 429

    • Correct your test and read explanations for missed test questions (p. 477 - 495)

Links for This Week:
Class Notes
ACT Related Videos

Have a great weekend!  Stay warm!
Mrs. Prichard

Tamera M. Prichard

Thursday, January 20, 2022

ACT Prep & College Writing Class Notes -- Week 2 (January 20)


We had a good class today.  A lot of the class will consist of going through a slide presentation that includes the strategies for the ACT along with samples from the book.  So that the students are not simply sitting and listening to me for the whole time, I like to start with a Quick Write.  I also do these in my other writing classes, but the Quick Writes that we'll do in this class will be focused more on those big life issues and decisions.  This week, I asked students to list 7 of their greatest academic strengths, 7 of their greatest personality strengths, and 7 activities/hobbies that they would like to be able to do for the rest of their lives.

This week we worked through Chapters 5 & 6, which are about the English Test.  This is the first test of the ACT, and it's mostly about grammar, mechanics, and word usage.  I have slides that I use to present the information; they are also posted on Google Classroom.)  We discussed basic steps for approaching the questions:
Step 1:  Identify the Topic (see p. 35)
Step 2:  Use POE
Step 3:  Use the context
Step 4:  Trust your ear, but verify
Step 5:  Don’t fix what isn’t broken

Each week I will go through 1 - 3 chapters from the book Cracking the ACT, and for homework, students will read that those chapters and do practice exercises or drills. For this week, they are to do the English Drill 1 (here are instructions for how to do the Drills on Google Classroom.)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Homework for Next Week
Read through Chapters 5 & 6 -- Be an active reader 
  • Especially read the practice/example questions and the explanations
  • Review the Summary
English Drill 1 on p. 54 - 56 (Answers in Chapter 25, p. 384)
Bring to class questions about troublesome sections or topics
Review the following topics as needed:  
  • Verbs:  Subject-verb agreement, Verb tenses, Irregular verbs, participles
  • Pronouns:  Agreement, antecedents, cases
  • Modifiers:  Adjectives, adverbs, comparison, superlative
  • End (Stop) punctuation:  period, question mark, exclamation point, semicolon
  • Go punctuation:  comma, colon, dash

Links for This Week
Class Notes

Thursday, January 13, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 1 (January 13)


It's great to be back to CHAT for the Spring semester.  I enjoy teaching the ACT Prep class because the content is full of useful material that the students will use.

We started the class with a Quick Write -- I had the students write about where they see themselves in 5 and 10 years and when they are "old."  (I used myself as a measure, but don't really want to admit to the "old" status.)

Most of the first week of class is spent introducing the class to the material for the class and handing out a number of papers to get us started. We started with the Syllabus that lists the discussion topics and assignments for the semester.  The class is divided in half: preparing for the ACT and writing test and application essays.  Some days we might spend more time on one topic than the other, but students should use this as a reference, especially if they miss a week.  Students also have a Checklist of Assignments to help them keep track of the work that needs to be done.

We are using the Cracking the ACT book published by Princeton Review, and for each section of the book, I will discuss the main points and work some sample questions in class.  This week I gave an overview of Chapters 1 - 4.  Their homework then will be to read the portions of the book just discussed, work through the rest of the samples, and complete the drills at the end of the chapter. In class this week we talked about note-taking and about being active readers.  (These are important study and learning skills that we will be working on throughout the semester.)  Students will also take practice tests for each of the sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science).   Because the students are reading the information AFTER it's been discussed in class, they should bring to class any questions about the reading or about troublesome topics that they need clarifying.

I will be using Google Classroom for this class, and all materials will be posted there.  In addition to various handouts, I will occasionally post helpful supplemental materials related to the ACT or college applications.  

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Assignments for Week 2 (Aug. 29)
-- Read Chapters 1 - 4 (pdf versions of the chapters)
-- Be an active reader by highlighting and taking notes in your book 

Links for This Week
Class Notes
Taking the ACT in 2022  (this also includes information directly from the ACT website

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 15 (May 5)

  Greetings! The students have done it!  They've reviewed (and re-reviewed) all of the strategies for taking the ACT.  I recently talked...