Friday, April 29, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 14 (April 29)


We are almost done!  Even though the work load for this class has not been huge or terribly difficult, the students have covered a lot of ground and have been consistently engaged in the process of learning about strategies for taking the ACT.  

This week, we took one of the practice tests.  Most took the Math test, and some took the Science or Reading test.  We have plenty of time, and it was a good, quiet atmosphere.  I had extra copies of an ACT Complete Test (link at the bottom) from the ACT organization that students could use.  This is a good option if students used all of the tests in their books.  

Next week we will take a practice Writing Test and then will do some Peer Reviews of College Application Essays.

One final assignment-- a reflection paper.  I've asked the students to write a short reflection about their learning this year and about their growth as students.  

Assignments for Next Week
-- Print and bring a copy of one of your college application essays

Links for This Week

See you next week!
Mrs. Prichard

Thursday, April 21, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 13 (April 21)


We had a good class today.  We've gotten to the end of our chapters on the various aspects of the English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing tests.  

As we near the end of the semester, many of the approaches, and steps, and strategies that we cover are repeats of those from other tests.  For all of the tests, we use the answer choices themselves to answer the question.  We rely heavily on process of elimination and our personal order of difficulty.  

The last test, with the exception of the essay portion, is the Science Test.  It's a 35-minute test with 45 questions.  There are three sections of this test:  Charts & Graphs, Experiments, and Fighting Scientists.  This week we again reviewed Chapter 22:  The Basic Approach to learn 3 steps for working through the Charts & Graphs section.
  • Step 1:  Work the Figures (charts, tables, graphs)
  • Step 2:  Work the Answers
  • Step 3:  Work the Questions
Today we walked through the last section of the Science test, "the Fighting Scientists."  The Science test has one section in which the perspectives of 2 or more scientists are presented, and students will answer questions about each of the perspectives and will compare and contrast the perspectives.  Here are the steps for the Fighting Scientists passages:
  • Step 1:  Preview & map the questions
  • Step 2:  Do one step at a time
  • Step 3:  Do the other side
  • Step 4:  Compare & Contrast

For our final 2 weeks of class, we'll take time in class doing practice tests.  For next week, April 28, students should come to class ready to take a test from their books, and I suggested that they choose the test that they think they will have the hardest time taking.  For May 5 class we will practice the writing test and discuss the students' college application essays.

We did not talk about the College Application essays. On May 5 we will do some peer reviews of our essays.  (Note:  Note everyone has both essays in, so that should get done.)

Assignments for Next Week
-- Read Chapter 23 -- Fighting Scientists

We're nearing the end of the school year, so I hope you can all find the energy to stay engaged in school until we're done. If you are missing any work, we have 2 weeks left, so you should check Google Classroom to see what work needs to be done.  I will be sending out a Grades Report at the end of the weekend.

Mrs. Prichard

Thursday, April 7, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 12 (April 7)


We started this week's class with a discussion of a sample college application essay that had a first draft and then was revised for a better second draft.  As we read and discussed it, we considered whether or not "Chuck D" would be a suitable student for college.  Reminding ourselves that he wasn't applying to be our friend, we felt that he would be a hard-working student, but he might be more competitive and ruthless than we'd like.

This week we continued reviewing the final section of the ACT test -- the Science section.  This fourth test is a 35 minute long test with 45 questions.  It's divided into 3 sections:  Charts & Graphs, Experiments, and Fighting Scientists.  The purpose of the Science section is not necessarily to find out how much students learned and remembered but to assess their reasoning skills, their abilities to understand charts & graphs, and their ability to draw conclusions from data.  Knowing certain topics will be helpful because the familiarity will help students understand more quickly how data and conclusions connect.   They had an overview of Chapters 20 & 21 last week and this week we covered Chapter 22:  The Basic Approach.  For homework they should read through these chapters.  When they encounter sample questions, they shouldn't just read to find the answer and then move on.  They should also read the explanations.  These sample problems are used to explain strategies.

I've listed some videos below that are helpful with the Science Test.

When we return to CHAT after Easter break, students should bring to class one of their college application essays.  We'll be doing peer edits, which means that we'll take turns reading one another's essays

A reminder -- No CHAT next week.  Have a blessed Easter!

Assignments for Next Week

Links for This Week
ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 12 (April 7)

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Tamera M. Prichard

Saturday, April 2, 2022

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 11 (March 31)


We covered a lot of ground in class today.  In fact, we've covered a lot this semester.  We started the class with a quick review of overall strategies and then those that are unique to specific tests.  As I had anticipated, the students did not remember as many for the English test that was the first one that we covered.  Before they actually take the test, they should make sure to go through all of the strategies for the individual tests.  It's easy to forget stuff!

We looked at another sample college application essay.  I like reading samples because many times I get a fresh idea for myself.  I hope the same is for the students.  

We are now in the 4th section of the ACT Test -- the Science test.  Like the English and Reading tests, the Science test is passage-based.  It's 35 minutes long, and the students will answer 45 questions for the 6 - 7 passages.  We talked for a lot about how and what they learn in science classes and how this Science test is different.  Students don't need to have loads of information memorized, but they do need to know how to read charts, graphs, and tables.  They also need to be able to draw conclusions from data given in those tables and charts.

This week I introduced the test and gave an overview.  Next week we will walk through the basic approach to handling the test questions.

The first college application essay is due this week, and I've assigned a second essay.  When they finish this this class, they will have 2 potential essays that they can use for college applications.  NOTE:  I've adjusted the due date for this second college application essay.  I've moved it out April 21.

Have a beautiful weekend!
Mrs. Prichard


Links for This Week
ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 11 (March 31)

Tamera M. Prichard

ACT Prep Class Notes -- Week 15 (May 5)

  Greetings! The students have done it!  They've reviewed (and re-reviewed) all of the strategies for taking the ACT.  I recently talked...