As we near the end of the semester, many of the approaches, and steps, and strategies that we cover are repeats of those from other tests. For all of the tests, we use the answer choices themselves to answer the question. We rely heavily on process of elimination and our personal order of difficulty.
The last test, with the exception of the essay portion, is the Science Test. It's a 35 minute test with 45 questions. There are three sections of this test: Charts & Graphs, Experiments, and Fighting Scientists. This week we worked through Chapter 22: The Basic Approach to learn 3 steps for working through the Charts & Graphs section.
- Step 1: Work the Figures (charts, tables, graphs)
- Step 2: Work the Answers
- Step 3: Work the Questions
We devoted most of the class time this week doing peer reviews of one another's college application essays. Before that, we discussed the purpose of these essays and what students should try to accomplish. For these peer reviews, students were mostly looking at writing style and content that allowed the writer's personality to shine through. Students need to send me a copy of their rough draft of their application essays. I'll go over them and send them back.
Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read Ch. 22
-- Basic Approach Drill 1 on p. 335
-- Basic Approach Drill 2 on p. 336
-- Basic Approach Drill 3 on p. 337
-- Final Draft of College Application Essays
Links for This Week
Class Notes